What is the first thing you do when you are in a dark room? Do you feel around for a light switch, like me? I don’t like being in the dark and I believe it’s because God created us to
Sunday, Christians will be celebrating their risen Saviour Jesus Christ and His triumph over the grave, death, and hell. No other death in human history was as important as His, for His death alone brought forth eternal life to all
Some women come to christianlifecoachtools.com for coaching because they are having heart issues. I’m not talking about the organ in your chest that pumps blood to your body, but rather the heart referred to so often in the King James
Do you think about what you say before you speak? As a middle-aged woman, let me assure you that every word counts. There is a warning in Matthew 12:36 KJV, “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they
Here in the Northeast, we just had a big winter storm. We lost power at our house for over seven hours. It is inconvenient when the power goes out, isn’t it? How often do we notice all the blessings and
Not one of us likes to be weak, right? We spend lots of time strengthening ourselves, whether in body or intellect. To avoid being weak, we will go through extreme measures, at times. Yet, God offers us grace and shows
Do you like to talk? Do you, like me, have the “gift of gab”? If so, consider this verse from Proverbs 18:21(a) KJV very seriously, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”. Our words have the power
How much time do you waste thinking about things that might come to pass or about what has already happened? Do you imagine worst-case scenarios or do you imagine highfalutin outcomes? All such thoughts are carnal and of the flesh.
When our children were young, they loved to please us. It seemed that was what they lived for – to bring us pleasure and gain our approval. Did you know, as born-again children of God, we are to live to
Last week’s blog was about whether or not food can become an idol in our lives. Remember, an idol is any thing on which we set our affections, that to which we indulge an excessive and sinful attachment, according to