STEER is an acronym used and developed by Christian Life Coach Tools to steer thoughts  from “stinking thinking” to Christ-honoring, “sweet savor” thinking. STEER simplifies the complex thought process by allowing thoughts to be taken captive to the obedience of Christ. Thoughts are taken from the mind, which is metaphysical (not physical), and put into physical form by writing thoughts on paper.

STEER is a powerful tool, and when utilized properly, the thoughts that keep us in bondage from living the victory in Christ are exposed. Once these thoughts are exposed and out in the open, we are able to compare them to the Light of Scripture. Upon comparison to the Word, and by the power of the Holy Spirit and prayer, the bonds that hold us captive are broken and true transformation takes place!









Feelings: happy/sad, etc



What you do/don't do or react to



Explanation/ justification

meet Karrie Hunter

Mrs. Karrie Hunter is a blood-bought, born-again, child of the living God through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and by his death, burial, and resurrection.  She is the wife of her beloved, John, the mother of three- fearfully and wonderfully made by God- young adults, and a Certified Christian Life Coach.  She encourages Christian ladies to follow Hebrews 12:1-3, which says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”

She is the host of “Destination Transformation Podcast” and the writer of “Weighter Matters Blog”.

Would you like a Christian Life Coach who...

  • Has a personal walk with Jesus Christ?
  • Is not afraid to challenge “stinking thinking”?
  • Speaks the truth in love but is empathetic?
  • Will offer the accountability you desire?
  • Will come alongside and assist you in living the victory in Jesus?

Destination Transformation


  Karrie struggled for many years with oppressive thoughts.  She was saved in 1995 and read her Bible daily, prayed in and out of season, faithfully attended church, and yet, was a prisoner to her own thoughts.  “Why can’t I overcome this?”, she often prayed.  The Bible verses she meditated on helped significantly and the verses of Scripture she memorized on the mind helped, as well; still, she did not know how to bring her thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and battled with compulsive behavior such as overeating, overreacting, anxiety, fear, stress, worry, burn-out, and overwhelm.  It was during these years of struggle, that her marriage ended in a tragic divorce and she was left a single mother of three babies: a four year-old, a two year-old, and nine-month old.


That I may know Him and the Fellowship of His Suffering

     After her husband divorced her in 2003, Karrie found herself spiraling even deeper into self-destructive thoughts.  During this time, she suffered a back injury, which limited her physical mobility and caused much physical pain in doing even the basic activities required in mothering three small babies.  She discovered the power of a “Christian Life Coach” long before the title existed, as her Pastor and two Christian women coached her away from the lies she was believing to be true.  “I’ll be a single mother for the rest of my life.” “I’ll never be able to provide for my children all alone.” “Why has God forsaken me?”  “When will I ever feel normal again?” “Why can’t I stop overeating?”  “Why are my thoughts so negative?”
  Her Pastor would often challenge her dark thoughts by shining the light of Scripture on them.  Her two Christian mentors would ask her questions such as, “How do you know you’ll never get remarried?  Maybe this very moment God is preparing you and your future husband to meet one day right at this very moment.”  She asked God, “Could what they’re saying be true?” Her Pastor challenged her not to think of her situation as a negative or bad thing, but to think of it as an opportunity to glorify God and an invitation to get to know Jesus Christ in a deeper way through her suffering.


  Two years later, God sent Karrie her husband, John, literally to her door-step.  She began believing anything is possible with God.  One day, after reading her Bible and spending time in prayer, Karrie asked God this question, “How can I help others overcome destructive thoughts?”  The answer came in a still small voice, “Be an example of an overcomer and then help others overcome.”  By the grace of God, that is Karrie’s mission.

Weightier Matters Blog

25 Aug
Lighten Up!
Do you find it hard to be cheerful when you look at all that is taking place around you?...
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18 Aug
Walk This Way
Walking is a good thing when it is possible to do so. Walking brings many health benefits to...
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11 Aug
Ingesting Truth
Are you feeling weak spiritually?  Could it be that you have not been filling up on God’s nourishing Word? Just...
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