Ready to Commit
How many of you have set Christ-honoring goals for 2023? If you’re like me in this area, you make a list of all the things you’d like to accomplish for the glory of God this year and you start off enthusiastically. As the months go by, however, you begin to fall back into old habits and patterns. How can 2023 be the year that you finally accomplish your goals?
The answer is you must stop trying to reach Christ-honoring goals. Yes, you read that right. You must stop trying and you must be ready to commit.
How many times have you tried and failed? The reason you fail is because you were not ready to commit. Trying gives you an alternative, a way out. Commitment does not. Commitment means you will not quit when the going gets tough. Commitment means you are in it for the long haul. Commitment means you will do whatever is necessary to figure out how to make it work, even in the face of trials, trouble, and things that happen beyond our control. Commitment means you will not give up until you are finished.
Do you see the difference between trying to reach goals and being commited to reaching goals? Here’s an easy analogy. When you are at the marriage alter and the Pastor asks your spouse-to-be if he is ready to be faithful to you, to love you, and to honor you, would you like him to reply, “I’ll try.”? I hope you would like him to say, “Yes. I’m commited.” In a marriage, you should settle for nothing less than a commitment. Commitment is what makes a marriage work and weather the storm that will surely come, and commitment is what will make accomplishing Christ-honoring goals become a reality, too.
Are you ready to commit in 2023? The Bible says in Psalms 37:5 KJV, “Commit thy ways unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
If you’d like someone to walk alongside you this year and assist you in reaching your goals, BOOK NOW a free Meet and Greet today at!