Live in the Moment

There are 24 hours in a day, but not one of them is promised to you or me. We aren’t guaranteed another day; truth be told, we can’t be sure we’ll be alive in this world 60 seconds from now. Not one of us is guaranteed a certain amount of time here on earth.
You may be thinking this is a dismal and negative way to think. Please, think of this, not as depressing, but as encouraging. There is incredible beauty found in this truth if you think about what the Bible says in James 4:14 KJV, “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” Often, we learn what this verse means when we suffer a devastating loss and look back on our past.
Perhaps a friend or family member passed away. We think about all the things we wish we would’ve told that person. Regret often accompanies the loss of a loved one; yet, the wise person who walks after the Holy Spirit, will lay that regret at Jesus’ feet and allow the Lord to take it away. When we have thoughts of all the wonderful memories created with the person that’s no longer here, a smile replaces the frown and feel-good emotions flow through our body, as we recall the blessing of having known and loved that person. Thankfulness and gratitude to God follow for the precious time he gave us with that person.
Eventually, our own mortality comes to mind and we realize our life, as we know it, can change in the twinkling of an eye. When this happens to you, hopefully, you have the security of knowing that God will never leave you nor forsake you and he will carry you through whatever he allows you to go through on this side of glory. If you need help understanding this, BOOK NOW a free coaching meeting at
The things you’ve done in your past, even the past few seconds, cannot be changed. For all intents and purposes, that means it doesn’t exist. You can, however, reminisce about wonderful times you had in the past and that’s a good thing, but you have no control over your past. Your past is gone. It’s over.
The future doesn’t exist, either. No mortal can guarantee the future, even a few seconds, minutes, or an hour from now. Your future is only a hope.
Think about that.
Understand what it means.
Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:33-34 KJV, ” But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.” Jesus Christ is telling us to not worry about tomorrow because we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow.
This may seem like a heavy concept to grasp, but it’s well worth grasping. Expectations of the future or condemnations of the past can be self-imposed prisons that we create for ourselves because we are to live only in the present moment right now-not in the past or the future.
Experience this fully with all of your senses and with the knowledge that we’re not guaranteed a specific amount of time on earth.
See and observe the beauty of the here and now, as you understand how your entire existence is only one present moment at a time.
Think about life this way and you’ll make better plans. Even though your future isn’t guaranteed, embracing this truth will have you making smarter plans for your future. You’ll take your relationships much more seriously.
Embrace the present moment without guarantees of anything in the future and you’ll start calling the people that you love and telling them how much they mean to you. You’ll witness to those people God has put in your life and try to win them to Christ.
Living in the moment produces an appreciation for relationships, gives you courage, helps you see all the beauty around you, and helps you have positivity that otherwise might not exist. God has given you and me the gift of being totally alive and present in the now. Accept this gift and live in the moment.