Sowing Seeds of Kindness

Have you considered how often biblical Christianity is at odds with the wisdom of the world? How often have you heard it said, “No good deed will go unpunished.” Yet, the Bible says in Ephesians 4:32a KJV, “And be ye kind one to another….”
Some people associate kindness with weakness; however, the Bible says being kind is a strength, as it takes a great amount of strength to be kind to someone who is not so kind to you, right? Jesus Christ was kind, even to his enemies, and Jesus Christ is not weak by any measure.
God knows what is best for us. He created us to live in perfect harmony with Him. In order to do this, we must not only believe in His word; but live by His word. Only then, will we be in harmony with God. In addition, being kind is not only for the benefit of other, it also has great benefit to us.
Here are three benefits of being kind:
1. It is good for us. Studies show that being kind increases our sense of worth and likability. Who doesn’t like a kind person?
2. People tend to remember you by your acts of kindness, thus making you more memorable and desirable as a friend. Who doesn’t remember a kind person or want to have friends that are kind?
3. Kindness is a universal language that reaches across barriers in cultures, gender, locality, religion, and age groups. Kindness can be demonstrated in any interaction with any person and is understood by all.
There are many more benefits to being kind but I just wanted to give you a loving reminder to sow seeds of kindness this week. Purpose to be kind every chance you get because your acts of kindness will sow seeds of kindness and have a much greater impact than you realize, not only on you, but on others, as well. Go sow some seeds!
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