Christians around the world are struggling to find love, joy, and peace. They attend church, read their Bibles, pray, serve others, and give of their money, time, and energy; yet, there is, still, a longing for more and an aching feeling of discontentment within. Hidden on the surface, but in the deepest depths of our own hearts, we long for more and wonder, “Where is the love, joy, and peace promised to me in Scripture? Is it truly possible to have love, joy, and peace?” Yes! It is!
So, where is it?
It’s in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you in Christ? If so, do you walk with Him and talk with Him moment-by-moment. Do you try to walk with Christ but find yourself distracted with other thoughts? You’re not the only one. You see, we have to think about what we’re thinking about and WHO we’re thinking about.
Christian Life Coach Tools is here to offer you assistance as you learn how to transform your mind by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2b)
To learn more, sign up for a free session at christianlifecoachtools.com