“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 KJV
Conformity was defined in Part 1 of CONFORMED OR TRANSFORMED. Whether or not you are presently conformed to this world was revealed by answering three questions. To become unconformed, you must choose to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
The definition of transformed as defined by Noah Webster in Noah’s 1828 Dictionary in this particular context of Scripture is: The act or operation of changing the form or external appearance. 5. In theology, a change of heart in man, by which his disposition and temper are conformed to the divine image; a change from emnity to holiness and love.
Unlike conformity to the world, which purposes to change us from the outside to the inside, conformity to Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, changes us from the inside out! Do you allow God’s Word to transform (change) you? Do you heed the Holy Bible or simply read it?
Dwight L. Moody rightly said, “The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.” Will you allow God, by his Holy Spirit, to transform you?
Transformation begins in the mind. Are you willing to be transformed? Schedule a free coaching session to find out how.