Be True to You
How often do we confuse the word “need” with the word “want”? To need something or someone implies we cannot exist without that thing or that person; whereas, to want is desiring something or someone. There is a big difference between the two, and it’s important for our well-being to learn how to distinguish our wants from our true needs. Truth is, our true needs are very few. We need water and oxygen to stay alive. Our vehicles need engine oil to run. These are true thoughts; but how often, have we told ourselves we need something that we actually only want? “I need a husband.” “I need to lose weight.” “I need to be loved and appreciated by other people.” “I need something sweet.” These thoughts are not true.
When we tell ourselves we need something or someone, when in fact, we only want it or that person, we are lying to ourselves. This is dangerous because each time we believe our own lies, we will seek to avoid or escape situations that God intends us to go through. For example, if you believe you can’t live alone, you run the risk of making a poor choice in choosing a roommate, rather than waiting on God to send you the right one in His time. Living alone may not be desirable, but the truth is, most of us can live alone just fine. It may be uncomfortable and scary, but we can endure it. When we tell ourselves we can’t endure difficult situations, we stunt our spiritual growth in courage, faith, patience, and hope. The truth is, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me.” Philippians 4:13 KJV. I may not want to do all things, but through Christ and his strength, I can.
Take a moment to stop and listen closely to what you are telling yourself. Are you speaking lies to yourself? If so, begin correcting yourself each time you tell yourself you need something or someone, when in fact, you only want, prefer, or desire. It takes practice and diligence to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, as we’re instructed to do in II Corinthians 10:5 KJV, but it is well worth the effort. The reward is great when we learn to speak the truth to ourself, so be true to you.