Much Better Than They
It’s a busy week and there is so much to get done. My mind races on how I’m going to handle this trying situation and how I’ll come out on the other end of this trial. I find myself thinking anxious thoughts, Then, I become irritable. How many of you can relate? My guess- all of you.
Is God teaching you to rest in him, as He is me? When I feel anxiety taking place inside my body, that is when I must go to God in prayer. Sometimes, I may have to acknowledge a negative behavior before I get to the root of my anxiety. In other words, when I’m irritated, I ask myself, “What is causing me to be irritated?” Then, I steer my thoughts and renew my mind with scripture. I take a deep breath. I feel much better knowing the truth that God is faithful.
So much of what I worry about is truly a waste of time. I can’t control the weather, other people or their situations, or the evil going on in the world. Jesus Christ knows my frame and understands my frailty. That is why He tells me in Matthew 6:26 KJV, ” Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?”
Praise the Lord for his provision! He gives me exactly what I need from day to day, just as He feeds the fowls of the air. Are ye not much better than they?