The Honest Truth

Honesty and truthfulness seem to be lost virtues in the times in which we live. “Little white” lies and “half truths” seem to be acceptable, even among many professing Christians. It is sad, but true.
Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines honesty as, 1. In principle, an upright disposition; moral rectitude of heart; a disposition to conform to justice and correct moral principles, in all social transactions. In fact, upright conduct; an actual conformity to justice and moral rectitude. 2. Fairness; candor; truth; as the honesty of a narrative. 3. Frank sincerity.
One must first think true and honest thoughts in order to become an honest person. Our thoughts originate in our hearts. The Bible says of mankind, “for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:” Proverbs 23:27 (KJV). What is in your heart? Do you think true and honest thoughts? Are you an honest person?
Honesty and truthfulness should be the goal of each and every sincere follower of Jesus Christ, as he is the way, the truth, and the life. Those who follow Him must endeavor to be honest, upright, and truthful.
Memorize and meditate on Philippians 4:8a, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest……think on these things.”
The world and it’s standards will change, but the truth never changes. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, to day, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 KJV.
That’s the honest truth!